Mushrumps on the tree trunk at Sea Wood
I have been trying out my new “camera” for a couple of months now - and I am jolly pleased with it!
It has Zeiss lenses.
I can use it as a point-and-shoot to capture a decent view.
I can get close to a gorgeous organism, find the right angle and take a decent close-up.
The colour balance is pretty good. The light-dark balance is pretty good.
It generates two files - one is the raw photograph (and at large file size); one is the jpg it derives from that raw image. So I have the opportunity, should I wish, to manage and manipulate the raw image for wondrous, expert photographical effects.
It takes decent photographs at night.
I can do some manual focussing
I can change the "shutter" speed setting,
I can change the ISO setting
I can make calls and send texts,
make a few quick notes, make field recordings…
Gill banks Stream under beautiful full moon
Yes. It’s a piece of software built into my “new” (that is, carefully refurbished, but new to me) mobile telephone. It says its a Nokia 7.2.
As ever with a new telephone there is a period of joy mixed with frustration as one gets to know the quirks and shortcomings of the new device - and it gets used to you! Now I feel I am getting the hang of it and taking (some) control.
Oh. Plus, as noted above, it takes good photographs.
Correction. I can take good photographs using it. - the way forrad.
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