This page explores the possibilities of black 'n' white (or nearly-so).
I hope you like the samples.
(Click on a picture to see it full screen; then select the cross in the top right corner to return to this page.)
Early morning in the gill
W ith my new, super "camera" in my "new" mobile telephone I took an early morning walk. Here is the Gill, just awakening. (Not quite b&w, but still.) The damp ground; the posts leading into the picture; the tree in the middle ground; the car providing one touch of distinctive colour; the bare space in the top right...
All these seem to create an atmosphere of the day's beginning.
Pigeon lurk
hese two were scanning the surroundings, hoping for the sight of a tasty morsel. (Or perhaps they were tuning in to a thrilling Netflicks fillum!)
Trees along gill banks
arly morning; dark, cloudy skies; family of trees hugging the foreground. The tonal variation between the trees suggests depth and the soft focus enhances the picture's atmosphere.