Top quality camera ...

or mobile telephone?

(What IS the "best" equipment for one's photography?)

Here is a flower. I found it on the ground near our house. Where did it come from? What sort of flower is it? I bent down and took a shot with my cheapo mobile telephone.
The result was better than I expected.


This is the joy (and frustration) of photography. I can spend hours taking careful photographs with the best equipment I have to hand; make infinite careful adjustments; shift my viewpoint a dozen times; wait patiently for a change in the light. I end up with several dozen quite nice pictures, that, well, are indeed.






Then I drop to my knees with my cheapo mobile and grab the moment.


I love this picture.


I recently read an article by Mike Johnstone, "The Online Photographer" in which he distinguished "geek" from "nerd'. He noted that a nerd knows all the theory and tiny “fac’s” around a particular subject. The geek, on the other hand, might not know much theoretical stuff - not “every little detail" - but will do it, do it, do it and do it again, because they have to.


So a photographic nerd will know and understand about colour curves and fringing and chromatic aberration. A photographic geek, on the other hand, will have camera ready (or mobile telephone if the camera happens to be out of reach) and be clicking away at every opportunity. That makes me a geek I suppose.


Um. Let's look at that a little closer sometime.

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