You may have noticed. There is a frog in the banner. Now why should that be? I found the young thing some while ago and took a couple of photographs. Partly because I love frogs; partly because I found him in an unexpected habitat.
We were 'round at my mother-in-law's bungalow, doing some cleaning. In need of break we put on the kettle and broke out the lunch boxes. I decided I needed a comfort stop, so nipped next door to the loo.
I looked down the toilet pan and what did I see?
Hmmm. I was somewhat surprised and found an old container. Easing him into this was reasonably simple, after all I was very gentle - and he did not have many escape routes!
I took him out to the garden and found a quiet spot at the back of the pond, underneath the hedge. I gently allowed him to slide / hop out of the container, ruffle his coat and take a comfortable stance by the pond. A quick photograph with my trusty mobile - and there we are!
What else is one to do?
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