I take photographs.
I do not stand and and take “good” photographs. I take lots and lots of photographs and sort out those I like.
Perhaps, ultimately, it’s personal. I take pictures because I do. My aim is not, initially to “present this image of the world, to the world. Is it the same for most photographers? Hmmm.
Now what?
Some are perfect for cards - birthday and christmas cards for friends and family; birth of new cousin, etc.
There are many I keep, not because I like them, but, “just in case” I cannot delete them. Some of these are really bad pictures that, nevertheless, hold a moment in time - there; then; those folk.
Some of these are really bad pictures, yet part of me thinks “Perhaps, one day, I’ll see one part of that picture can be used as …” D’ohhh!
Some I really like and … No. I am not thinking of making lots of money. I am not taking photographs to make money.
Recently I had an interesting conversation about this with a friend. She suggested that, in making photographs available, I was not “selling my wares” but that I was “sharing”. Hmmm. Why not, eh?
What IS that process; that subtle change when a picture I have taken I then consider for sharing with others?
As a halfway step I have a website (er - this one??) and I post pictures on that. (They are not identified as “for sale”.)
On occasion I have had photographs accepted for local exhibitions and have sold a couple for charity.
I suppose it’s a start.
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